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Saturday, May 23, 2009
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Who is a true friend ?
Who is a true friend ?
Who is a true friend and how does a friendship develop? Friendship clicks when we relate to one another's personality and there is recognition of bonding based on common likes and dislikes, interests, pursuits and passion. There is feeling of companionship and oneness. A friendship evolves overtime and then it slowly matures. A mature friendship is one where you know your friend inside out and accept him or her with all the contradictions and deviations that you earlier fail to notice. A mature friendship is a genuine friendship and here there is a shared sense of caring, concern, desire to grow and let grow and a hope that everything good happens in life to you as well as your buddy. True, mature and genuine friendship does not happen just like that. It needs working and it needs mutual faith and trust based on selfless action, shared thoughts and feelings, and acceptance of the friend without judgement and criticism.
True Friend: A true, mature and genuine friendship is based on relationship, trust, and accountability
A true, mature and genuine friendship needs a relationship which is built over time, by knowing each other more closely over shared time spent, shared memories, participation in each other's growth and prosperity as well as being available to each other in hard times.
Such a relationship built over time stands on the strong foundation of trust because you know that you have a friend whom you know as much as you know yourself. With trust you start sharing your inner most secrets and feelings with your friend who is true. Trust and its continuous reinforcement from both the side leads to faithfulness and loyalty. On the other hand betrayal of trust can lead to the culmination of the friendship in a very negative way with lot of hard feelings and loneliness. Many of the important reasons of loss of trust is backbiting, negative thoughts and cheating on one another.
There is a delicate balance that is required to have a true friend and friendship. To nurture this delicate balance the need is to have a set of accountability factors that becomes essential for the survival of the friendship. True friends accept the fact that this world is not perfect and they overcome small and little misunderstandings, deviations and contradictions that crop up among them. They have a policy of living the life positively and so forgiving one another is accepted as part of the natural code of friendship.
True and genuine friendship should come out of hard times more strongly. We need to undertand that genuine, mature and true friendship is supportive in nature and comes into real light in hard pressed times. These are the times when the true value, dependence and strength of a genuine friend are tested. A true friendship which passes the fire of troubled time develops into a bonding where unconditional love flows from one to another. Such true friends are hard to come by but once you have them most of the time they become your life time buddies.
True Friend: The essential characteristics of a genuine friend and friendship
To put down in points there are some essential characteristics of a genuine friend and friendship.
1. As mentioned before without trust and respect for each other no true friendship can develop.
2. Real and true friendship involves freedom of choice, accountability, truth, and forgiveness. There is acceptance of the person with all the good and bad that holds within a personality. There is an attitude of living the life positively and therefore forgetting and forgiving minor deviations and contradictions.
3. Real friendship looks at the heart, not just the "packaging." Genuine friendship loves for love's sake, not just for what it can get in return. This can happen only when the bonding of friendship has resulted from past experiences which where mutually beneficial and helpful in the most troubled times. This helps the relationship to evolve above the superficialities.
4. True friendship is both challenging and exciting. It risks, it overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt. As mentioned before, testing times come and the strength of a relationship is tested during these hard times. Once you overcome these testing times, the relation evolves into a higher plane where you can openly communicate the truth and even hard truths without the feeling of any animosity.
5. Genuine friendship, also called "agape" love, comes from the God. This is something of a life's bonding and is akin to our bonding with life or the higher powers of nature itself.
6. Relationships in real life involve different levels of friendships, and that's okay. But humans are designed by nature for lasting relationships. The idea is to always evolve and grow in friendship and try to reach the highest stage of a friendship.
7. True relationship and friendship transcends and overcomes the superficialities of vague empty relationships which are mostly exploitive and manipulative in nature.
8. Establishing a connect and order of accountability and responsibility is very important as it's harder to make amends with an offended friend.
9. When we've offended a "friend who is true" whether by breaking a trust or by speaking the truth with love, we risk losing that friendship. Here comes the need to understand that this life is anyway very short and brief and it's wise to forgive and forget and move on together if possible.
10. As mentioned previously the most essential aspect of a relationship is trust and if this is broken again and again then it can lead to the death of the friendship and relationship.
True Friend: So finally can we define a true and genuine friend?
A true and genuine friend is not worried about courtesies, you can call her or him any time and speak to her or him whatever you want and vice-versa with an element of trust. You are ready to help each other in the time of real need and you are not afraid to expose to each other your innermost feelings and nature without caring what he or she will think about you. True friend will not manipulate and exploit our weakness and vice-versa. As a true friend we forgive and forget and support our friend even when sometimes it hurts us. A friend who is true is not judgemental and critical of us all the time and we get help from a true friend in the times of real need. A true friend is available to us at short notice in troubled times and stands by us even if the whole world is against us.
Therefore instead of having hundreds of good friends, if we have one true and genuine friend, we can treat our self lucky. If you can become a true friend of someone you get a true friend in return. For this to happen you need to become a true friend to your own self first and only then you can become a true friend to others.
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Happy Mother's day,Mother's Day in India,Mother's Day
Who is Mother?
This is a question most of us would have never thought about as we take our mother for granted. She has been there always to take care of us. Speaking of definitions of mother, there is ample number of definitions expressing closely associated thoughts on the question what is mother?
Biologically mother is a female person, whose egg unites with a sperm, resulting in the conception of a child. A mother is the biological and/or social female parent of an offspring. In the case of a mammal such as a human, the mother gestates her child, which is called first an embryo, and then a fetus. This gestation occurs in the mother's uterus from conception until the fetus is sufficiently developed to be born. The mother then goes into labor and gives birth. Once the child is born, the mother produces milk in a process called lactation to feed the child.
Who is mother: Technical definitions
To the question "who is mother" there are many technical definitions. One definition says that mother is a woman who has given birth to a child. Another technical definition says that a mother is the natural or social female parent of an offspring. Mother is the woman to whom one was born. A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child is called as a "would be mother" or a mother to the new born respectively.
Who is mother: Adoption of the child
It is not always necessary that somebody can only become mother if she has biologically given birth to an offspring. A woman who adopts and raises a child is more than a mother to that child. In animal kingdom also mother is referred to the female parent of an animal.
Who is mother: Sacred relationship
Mother is a term or a relationship which carries lot of respect and is closely associated with birth, nurturing, love, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. That's why yin polarity, magnetic and nurturing, healer, mediator, soul of the world are all various connotations symbolized by mother. Further mother is also referred to one's female ancestor, a woman who holds a position of authority and responsibility, a title for women respected for her wisdom and age and women who creates, originates or founds something.
Mother is also given as a symbol to a creative source, an origin and emotions like maternal love and tenderness, compassion, empathy and nurturing.
Familiar or colloquial terms for "who is mother" in English are:
1. Mum or mummy, is used in the UK & parts of Canada (especially Eastern Canada), Australia, and New Zealand; and also in some parts of Western Pennsylvania.
2. Mom or mommy, in most of North America (especially the U.S.). Mommy is considered baby talk. Most adults in these regions switch to the term mom as they approach the teen years. This term is also used in the British West Midlands.
3. Mam or mammy, North Wales, the South Wales valleys, Ireland, North and the East Midlands of England;
4. Mama and ma, in parts of the Middle East, Latin America, other Spanish-speaking cultures and The Netherlands. Mama is often used in rural areas of the midwest and south eastern regions of the US. Ma is a common term in various parts of the US including the north east.
5. In many other languages, similar pronunciations apply; maman in French and Farsi (Persian),maadar in Farsi (Persian), or mamma in Italian, or mãe in Portuguese. Mama, borrowed from the English, is in common use in Japan. In Hebrew the word is eema, and in many south Asian cultures and the Middle East the mother is known as amma or oma or ammi or "ummi", or variations thereof. Many times these terms denote affection or a maternal role in a child's life. The word originates from the Sanskrit mothru or motharaha and has taken various forms all over the world.
Who is mother: Legendary Mothers and Mother related topics
Some of the Legendary & mythological mothers are Bithiah, Gaia, Hagar , Isis , Jocasta mother of Oedipus important in Freudian psychology, Juno, Queen Maya , Euripides' Medea , Venus and Demeter
Mother is also attached to various topics related to Mary, Attachment parenting, Breastfeeding, Jungian archetypes, Lactation, Matriarch, Matricide, Mother Goose, Matrilocality, Mother insult, Mother's Day, Mothers rights, Nuclear family, Oedipus complex, Parenting, Psychological bond, Mother ship ,Mother goddess, Mother Superior or Abbess
Who is Mother: Reverence of Mother and Motherhood
1. In many societies and culture God is often compared to a mother, and is worshiped in the form of the Divine Mother.
2. In social contexts as well, no person is considered as exalted and worthy of respect and service as one's mother.
3. The tender love and care of a mother for her children is the subject of numerous artistic expressions around the world.
4. The mother is the very embodiment of love, of sacrifice, or selfless service to her children and of forbearance.
5. She is considered the first teacher of every child, and is considered the highest Guru.
6. As long as we live, we must never forget the efforts and sacrifices our mothers make to bring us up in our childhood.
7. It is said that "Since God could not appear everywhere to take care of us, He created mother."
8. While a son can be a bad son, a mother can never be a bad mother. The mother is considered a thousand times more venerable than the father.
9. There are societies where when students graduate from their school, their teachers exhort them to consider first their mothers, followed by others, as embodiments of God.
10. Pregnant women have special privileges in many societies due to the high regard for motherhood.
11. The sanctity of motherhood was so highly regarded in many cultures that it was also extended to the animal kingdom. It was forbidden to hunt pregnant animals.
12. Reverence is also manifested in our seeing the Divine Mother in Nature, rivers and earth that nourish us.
13. Whatever may be the crime of one's mother, she is always one's mother and deserving of her children's love and respect. How can we ever condemn her who nurtured us for nine months in her womb, and underwent great pains to give us birth, and to bring us up in our childhood.
After all the definitions and expression of thoughts on Mother, I still feel that "who is mother" is a question that cannot be answered satisfactorily by words and one has to experience the love, nurturing, compassion and empathy of a mother at a personal level to know what is mother. That is the glory of the mother and that is "what is mother".
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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Monday, May 4, 2009
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
WHO warns swine flu threatening to become pandemic

MEXICO CITY — Global health authorities warned Wednesday that swine flu was threatening to bloom into a pandemic, and the virus spread farther in Europe even as the outbreak appeared to stabilize at its epicenter. A toddler who succumbed in Texas became the first death outside Mexico.
Mexico, taking a drastic step as confirmed swine flu cases doubled to 99, including eight dead, announced it would temporarily suspend all nonessential activity of the federal government and private business from May 1-5. Essential services like transport, supermarkets, trash collection and hospitals will remain open.
New deaths finally seemed to be leveling off after an aggressive public health campaign in Mexico — only one additional confirmed death was announced Wednesday night — but the World Health Organization said the global threat is nevertheless serious enough to ramp up efforts to produce a vaccine against the virus.
"It really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic," WHO Director General Margaret Chan said in Geneva. "We do not have all the answers right now, but we will get them."
It was the first time the WHO had declared a Phase 5 outbreak, the second-highest on its threat scale, indicating a pandemic could be imminent.
The first U.S. death from the outbreak was a Mexico City toddler who traveled to Texas with family and died Monday night at a Houston hospital. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius predicted the child would not be the last U.S. death from swine flu.
The virus, a mix of pig, bird and human genes to which people have limited natural immunity, had spread to at least nine countries. In the United States, nearly 100 have been sickened in 11 states.
Eight states closed schools Wednesday, affecting 53,000 students in Texas alone, and President Barack Obama said wider school closings might be necessary to keep crowds from spreading the flu. Mexico has already closed schools nationwide until at least May 6.
"Every American should know that the federal government is prepared to do whatever is necessary to control the impact of this virus," Obama said, highlighting his request for $1.5 billion in emergency funding for vaccines.
Just north of the Mexican border, 39 Marines were being confined to their California base after one contracted swine flu. Senators questioned Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about her decision not to close the border, action she said "has not been merited by the facts."
Ecuador joined Cuba and Argentina in banning travel either to or from Mexico and Peru banned flights from Mexico. The Panama Canal Authority ordered pilots and other employees who board ships passing through the waterway to use surgical masks and gloves. An average of 36 ships per day pass through the waterway, most from the United States, China, Chile and Japan.
In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy met with cabinet ministers to discuss swine flu, and the health minister said France would ask the European Union to suspend flights to Mexico.
The U.S., the European Union and other countries have discouraged nonessential travel to Mexico. Some countries have urged their citizens to avoid the United States and Canada as well. Health officials said such bans would do little to stop the virus.
Germany and Austria became the latest countries to report swine flu infections Wednesday, with cases already confirmed in Canada, Britain, Israel, New Zealand and Spain.
In addition to the 168 suspected deaths — including 17 new ones announced late Wednesday — the virus is believed to have sickened 2,498 people across Mexico. But only 1,311 suspected swine flu patients remained hospitalized, and a closer look at daily admissions and deaths at Mexico's public hospitals suggests the outbreak may have peaked during three grim days last week when thousands of people complained of flu symptoms.
President Felipe Calderon asked Mexicans to stay at home, saying their houses were the safest place to be.
"In the last several days, Mexico has faced one of the most serious problems in recent years," Calderon said in a nationally televised address. Calderon brushed aside criticisms that the government response was slow, stressing several times that authorities had reacted "immediately."
He said authorities would use the partial shutdown to weigh whether to extend the emergency measures, or "if it is possible to phase out some" restrictions.
Scientists believe that somewhere in the world, months or even a year ago, a pig virus jumped to a human and mutated, and has been spreading between humans ever since. Unlike with bird flu, doctors have no evidence suggesting a direct pig-to-human infection from this strain, which is why they haven't recommended killing pigs.
Medical detectives have not zeroed in on where the outbreak began. One of the eight deaths in Mexico directly attributed to swine flu was that of a Bangladeshi immigrant, said Mexico's chief epidemiologist, who suggested that someone could have brought the virus from Pakistan or Bangladesh.
Miguel Angel Lezana, the epidemiologist, said the unnamed Bangladeshi had lived in Mexico for six months and was recently visited by a brother who arrived from Bangladesh or Pakistan and was reportedly ill. The brother has left Mexico and his whereabouts are unknown, Lezana said.
By March 9, the first symptoms were showing up in the Mexican state of Veracruz, where pig farming is a key industry in mountain hamlets and where small clinics provide the only health care.
The earliest confirmed case was there: a 5-year-old boy who was one of hundreds of people in the town of La Gloria whose flu symptoms left them struggling to breathe.
Days later, a door-to-door tax inspector was hospitalized with acute respiratory problems in the neighboring state of Oaxaca, infecting 16 hospital workers before she became Mexico's first confirmed death.
Neighbors of the inspector, Maria Adela Gutierrez, said Wednesday that she fell ill after pairing up with a temporary worker from Veracruz who seemed to have a very bad cold. Other people from La Gloria kept going to jobs in Mexico City despite their illnesses, and could have infected people in the capital.
The deaths were already leveling off by the time Mexico announced the epidemic April 23. At hospitals Wednesday, lines of anxious citizens seeking care for flu symptoms dwindled markedly.
The Mexican health secretary, Jose Angel Cordova, said getting proper treatment within 48 hours of falling ill "is fundamental for getting the best results" and said the country's supply of medicine was sufficient.
Cordova has suggested the virus can be beaten if caught quickly and treated properly. But it was neither caught quickly nor treated properly in the early days in Mexico, which lacked the capacity to identify the virus, and whose health care system has become the target of widespread anger and distrust.
In case after case, patients have complained of being misdiagnosed, turned away by doctors and denied access to drugs. Monica Gonzalez said her husband, Alejandro, already had a bad cough when he returned to Mexico City from Veracruz two weeks ago and soon developed a fever and swollen tonsils.
As the 32-year-old truck driver's symptoms worsened, she took him to a series of doctors and finally a large hospital. By then, he had a temperature of 102 and could barely stand.
"They sent him away because they said it was just tonsillitis," she said. "That hospital is garbage."
That was April 22, a day before Mexico's health secretary announced the swine flu outbreak. But the medical community was already aware of a disturbing trend in respiratory infections, and Veracruz had been identified as a place of concern.
Gonzalez finally took her husband to Mexico City's main respiratory hospital, "dying in the taxi." Doctors diagnosed pneumonia, but it may have been too late: He has suffered a collapsed lung and is unconscious. Doctors doubt he will survive.
Swine flu has symptoms nearly identical to regular flu — fever, cough and sore throat — and spreads like regular flu, through tiny particles in the air, when people cough or sneeze. People with flu symptoms are advised to stay at home, wash their hands and cover their sneezes.
While epidemiologists stress it is humans, not pigs, who are spreading the disease, sales have plunged for pork producers around the world. Egypt began slaughtering its roughly 300,000 pigs on Wednesday, even though no cases have been reported there. WHO says eating pork is safe, but Mexicans have even cut back on their beloved greasy pork tacos.
Pork producers are trying to get people to stop calling the disease swine flu, and Obama notably referred to it Wednesday only by its scientific name, H1N1. U.N. animal health expert Juan Lubroth noted some scientists say "Mexican flu" would be more accurate, a suggestion already inflaming passions in Mexico.
Authorities have sought to keep the crisis in context. In the U.S. alone, health officials say about 36,000 people die every year from flu-related causes.
Mexico's government said it remains too early to ease restrictions that have shut down public life in the overcrowded capital and much of the country. Pyramids, museums and restaurants were closed to keep crowds from spreading contagion.
"None of these measures are popular. We're not looking for that — we're looking for effectiveness," Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said. "The most important thing to protect is human life."
Associated Press writers Mark Stevenson, Olga Rodriguez in Oaxaca, Mexico, E. Eduardo Castillo in Mexico City, Lauran Neergaard and Tom Raum in Washington, Juan A. Lozano in Houston, Mike Stobbe in Atlanta, Patrick McGroarty in Berlin and Maamoun Youssef in Cairo contributed to this report.
source: Yahoo! News
MTV Roadies 6 ,Hero Honda MTV Roadies ,Hell Down Under

MTV Roadies 6 came to an end on Sunday with 21-year-old Nauman Sait winning the reality show. Nauman was pitted against Palak (Gurmeet) and Kiri, who was brought back into the show by the rest of the contestants.
Palak lost out early on in the finale and Kiri had to battle it out with Nauman in the final MTV Roadies task, which was a tough weight pulling competition.
The three finalists performed a series of adrenaline pumping tasks before Nauman was declared the winner. He took home a cash prize of Rs 3,52,000.
Nauman is from Pune and lives in Bangalore.
Nauman wins MTV Roadies 6

Contrary to rumors, Nauman Sait has won the granddaddy of reality shows, MTV Roadies 6 - hell down under.
Nauman conquered MTV Roadies by defeating fellow finalist Kiri in a tough weight pulling competition. Brute force and raw courage was the order of the day, as both the tasks were more about giving it all for Roadies 6.0, raw natural instinct to win.
The finale was simply as Raghu would like to call it, Hell Down Under. Palak, who was one of the finalists lost out early on in the finale, and Kiri had to battle it out with Nauman Sait in the final MTV Roadies task where they were chained at their hands, neck and legs, and they had to move forward in raw determination and grab the MTV Roadies flag.
Nauman literally gave his all, blood included as he bruised his leg. Though blood seeped out, Nauman went ahead, unwavering to grab the MTV Roadies flag and win MTV Roadies 6.0.
A gang of 20 boys and girls travelling all over India and performing tough tasks to win the title of ‘Roadie’ has got the viewers glued to the idiot box, pumping MTV’s TRP ratings to new heights.
It was earlier rumoured that participant Sufi had won Roadies 6, but Raghu mocked at the alleged 'internet leak' when Sufi was knocked out in the previous episode.
Palak lost out early on in the finale and Kiri had to battle it out with Nauman in the final MTV Roadies task, which was a tough weight pulling competition.
The three finalists performed a series of adrenaline pumping tasks before Nauman was declared the winner. He took home a cash prize of Rs 3,52,000.
Nauman is from Pune and lives in Bangalore.
Congrats to Nauman, winner of MTV Roadies 6.0. Finally the boy earns respect....loads of it!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
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